Surah Muzammil is the great surah of Quran Pak in which we find the solutions to all diseases and all difficulties of our routine life. This Surah consists of 20 verses and it is 73rd Surah of the Holy Quran.The Arabic word Al Muzammil means “wrapped” or covered; this is one of the most beautiful names of Holy Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W).The beautiful verse of this surah describes its summaryيَا أَيُّهَا الْمُزَّمِّلُ"O you wrapped in garments (i.e. Prophet Muhammad SAW)! ” Benefits of Surah Al Muzammil:Some benefits of greatest Surah Muzzamil audio are as follows:(1) For DifficultiesThe person who recites this Surah daily will never face any kind of bad situations.(2) For illnessIf you recite this Surah daily, you will be protected from all types of mental illness.(3) For Purification of HeartIf you recite this Surah after the Isha prayers or even in Tahajud, your heart will remain pure and even you will die in a pure state.(4) For Fullfilness of WishIf you recite this Surah and pray for something, you will get it from Allah Almighty.(5) For ProtectionRecitation of this Surah will save you from the slavery of people in this world.(6) For ForgivenessIf you recite this Surah for 100 times, you will seek the forgiveness of Allah Almighty for your sins or evil deeds.If you recite this Surah 100 times on Thursday night, Allah Almighty will provide you 100 rewards and will forgive your sins.Final Words:This Surah of the Quran is very beneficial for you not only in this life, but it will also provide you benefits in the hereafter. So, try to recite this Surah daily after the prayers. If you will pray to Allah Almighty for anything after reciting the Surah Muzammil, Allah will fulfill your dua. InshaaAllah.